Media and communication researchers gathered in the city of Lublin for the II Congress of the Polish Communication Association (15-17 September 2010). During the conference panel discussions were held on different aspects of contemporary communication and media studies. Keynote speeches were delivered by international researchers such as Stuart Allan (USA), Aukse Balčytiene (Lithuania), Boyko Boev (United Kingdom), Andy Channelle (United Kingdom), Inta Brikše (Latvia), Daniela Kraus (Austria), Epp Lauk (Estonia), Olaf Steenfadt (Germany), Stephan Russ-Mohl (Switzerland), Wayne Wanta (USA) and David Weaver (USA).
During the meeting the new Executive Committee of the Polish Communication Association (PCA) was formed, with Bogusława Dobek-Ostrowska reelected as President of the PCA. Honorary memberships of the Association were awarded to Tomasz Goban-Klas and Wayne Wanta, while the 2009 award for the best Polish doctoral dissertation on media and communication studies in Poland was granted to Sławomir Czapnik.