Award '23 - call for works

Published: 03.03.2024

Once again, we would like to honor the original, high-quality studies of young researchers and show how the discipline of social communication and media is developing. Therefore, we invite you to participate in the 16th edition of the Polish Communication Association PhD Dissertation Award in the field of social communication and media science, defended in 2023.

The winner of the Award will receive a financial award that can be spent on the publication of a doctoral dissertation or a foreign conference.

To participate in the PhD Dissertation Award '23, the doctoral dissertation should be sent by e-mail along with the application and recommendation by 30/05/2024.
All detailed information about the Award (e-mail address, regulations and application form) can be found on the PTKS website: in the PhD Dissertation Award tab.

Yours faithfully
dr hab. Mariusz Kolczyński, prof. University of Silesia
Chairman of the PhD Dissertation Award '2023

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