
The Statute accepted by the Founding Assembly
of the Polish Communication Association
on 22 April 2007 in Wrocław
with further amendments confirmed
by the Wrocław ? Fabryczna District Court in Wrocław
6th Division ? Bizness & Corporations, National Justice Registry
No. KRS 0000289265, 25 September, 2007


General provisions


The name of the Association is the Polish Communication Association, hereafter called the Association.


The Association?s territory of activity is the Republic of Poland and the seat of its authorities is the city of Wrocław.


The Association is registered, acting under the law on associations and has a legal personality status.


The Association may be a member of national and international associations.


1. The Executive Committee of the Association uses a round seal with an inscription POLSKIE TOWARZYSTWO KOMUNIKACJI SPOŁECZNEJ.
2. The Association is entitled to a membership sign in conformity with the appropriate regulations.

Aims and means of activity


The aim of the Association is to promote the science of social communication and conduct associated research.


The Association realizes its aims by means of:
a) cooperation with the appropriate organizational units in the economy and culture sectors as well as scientific institutions on planning and development of the science of social communication and its practical applications;
b) cooperation with educational sector institutions on preparation of educational framework, programs and implementation methods;
c) development and application of scientific information;
d) conduct of educational and publication activities;
e) organizing of scientific meetings and conferences;
f) applying for or granting awards for outstanding achievements in the science of social communication;
g) initiation and conduct of scientific research;
h) participation in domestic and international congresses and conferences in disciplines within the Association?s scope of interest;
i) development of other forms of activity within the domain of social communication and dissemination of knowledge in this area;
j) cooperation with the media and other organizations.

Membership, rights and obligations


1. A member of the Association shall be a natural or a legal person who submit a written application.
2. The Association shall be composed of three classes of members:
a) ordinary,
b) supporting,
c) honorary.


An ordinary member of the Association shall be a natural person associated with the science of social communication.


An ordinary member has the following rights:
a) active and passive voting rights for the Associations authorities,
b) activity in the Association,
c) bearing of the organization?s sign.


Applications for ordinary membership shall be considered by the Executive Committee.


1. A supporting member shall be a natural or a legal person interested in the Association?s subject area, who declares financial support or other form of support, on the basis of a written declaration submitted to the Executive Committee.
2. The supporting membership is regulated by the appropriate regulations applying to the ordinary membership, with the exception of active and passive voting rights.


1. An honorary membership may be granted to individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the Association or are distinguished by their merits in developing the science of social communication.
2. An honorary member is not entitled to a voting right, active nor passive.
3. An honorary member is obligated to:
a) obey by the provisions of the Statute,
b) adhere to the Association?s resolutions,
c) act in the Association?s best interest and towards its development,
d) An honorary member is not required to pay membership fees.
4. An honorary member may be a foreign national.
5. An honorary membership may be terminated as a result of:
a) a voluntary resignation submitted in writing to the Executive Committee,
b) exclusion by means of the Executive Committee?s resolution due to a breach of the Statute provisions,
c) a member?s death.
6. Exclusion from the register of honorary members is realized in accordance with Article 16.


An ordinary member is obligated to:
a) obey by the Statute provisions, rules and resolutions of the Association?s authorities,
b) actively participate in the realization of the Association?s statuary aims,
c) adhere to the professional code of ethics
d) pay regularly membership dues in the amount voted by the Association?s General Assembly.


An ordinary membership is terminated as a result of:
a) a member?s application submitted in writing to the Executive Committee,
b) termination by the Executive Committee as a result of a breach of the statute or arrears in membership dues of one year, despite two written notices,
c) exclusion by a binding resolution of the Association?s General Assembly or as a result of a court of justice decision bearing an additional penalty of a loss of public rights,
d) death.


The Executive Committee?s resolution of exclusion from the Association?s membership registry is subject to appeal to the Association?s General Assembly, whose resolution on the issue is final.


A supporting membership is terminated as a result of:
a) voluntary request submitted in writing to the Executive Committee,
b) cancellation upon a resolution by the Executive Committee.

The Association?s authorities


1. The Association?s authorities comprise of:
a) General Assembly,
b) Executive Committee,
c) Auditory Committee.
2. The term of all organs is three years, and the elections are realized through closed ballot.
3. The resolutions of the Association?s authorities are voted by simple majority in the presence of at least one half of those eligible to vote.
4. The Association?s Executive Committee is entitled to supplement its slate of elected members up to one third until the next General Assembly.


1. The Association?s highest ranking authority is the General Assembly called by the Executive Committee.
2. The General Assembly may be ordinary or extraordinary.


The Ordinary General Assembly is empowered to:
a) vote on general directions of the statutory and financial activities of the Association,
b) consider and accept reports on the activity of the Executive Committee, the Auditory Committee and the research sections,
c) at the proposal of the Auditory Commeette accepts the annual report of the Executive Committee,
d) select the President, members of the Executive Committee and the Auditors,
e) create and dissolve research sections,
f) accept internal rules for the Executive Committee and the research sections,
g) accept guidelines for the budget draft and the financial reports,
h) grant honorary membership at the proposal of the Executive Committee,
i) decide on the amount of the registration fee and the membership dues,
j) take decisions about amendment of the statute and about dissolution of the Association.


1. The General Assembly has the right to vote on resolutions in the first instance with at least half of the members entitled to vote present and in the second instance without consideration for the number of members present.
2. Resolutions concerning amendment of the statute or the dissolution of the Association require in the first instance and second instance an ordinary majority (50 per cent plus one member).


The Executive Committee notifies the members about the date, place and minutes of the General Assembly at least 21 days prior to the meeting.


1. An extraordinary General Assembly may be called at the initiative of the Executive Committee, the Auditors, or a the proposal of one third of total membership.
2. An extraordinary General Assembly is called by the Executive Committee not later than six weeks from the formal proposal and debates the issues for which it was called.


1. The Executive Committee shall consist of: the president, the vice-president, the treasury and members of the Executive Committee.
2. The Executive Committee is comprised of 5-7 members and is elected by the General Assembly.
3. The Executive Committee shall elect from its members the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.


The Executive Committee?s functions include:
a) managing of the Association?s activities in accordance with the Statute provisions, the guidelines and resolutions of the General Assembly,
b) representing the Association externally and acting on its behalf,
c) voting on periodic statutory activity plans, the budget draft and the budget,
d) voting on internal regulations,
e) making proposals for granting of honorary membership,
f) deciding on membership in domestic and international organizations,
g) managing the assets and funds,
h) voting on decisions concerning acquisition, selling and mortgaging of the Association?s fixed assets,
i) nominating first chairpersons of research sections.


1. The Association?s decisions are voted by ordinary majority in the presence of at least half of the members, including the President and the Vice-President.
2. The Executive Committee holds meetings on a need basis, at least once every quarter.


1. The Auditory Committee shall comprise of 3-5 members.
2. The President and the Vice-President are elected by the Auditory Committee from its slate.
3. The Auditory Committee has the right to supplement its slate, up to one third of the number of elected members, for the period until the next General Assembly.


1. The Auditory Committee is established in order to conduct an audit of the Association?s whole activity at least once a year, in particular the managing of its finances and assets taking into consideration the purposefulness, consistency and good management principles.
2. The Auditory Committee is entitled to submit proposals to the Executive Committee based on the audit results and ask for explanations.
3. The members of the Auditory Committee may participate in the Executive Committee?s meetings in the advisory role.


A detailed scope of the Auditory Committee?s activities is determined by the rules voted by the General Assembly.


1. Any conflicts among the members of the Association are decided on by the Executive Committee.
2. A decision by the Executive Committee on any matters concerning conflicts between members of the Association may be appealed to the General Assembly, whose decision shall be final.

The Association?s finances and assets


1. The Association?s assets are derived from:
a) members? dues,
b) publications, stipends, external funds, donations and endowments,
c) income from statutory activity.
2. In order for the documents referring to Point 1 to be valid two signatures are required, one of the President or the Vice-President and of the Secretary, the Treasurer or a member of the Executive Board.

Amendment of the Statute and dissolution of the Association


Resolutions concerning amendment of the statute are decided by the General Assembly in the first instance with an ordinary majority vote in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote and in the second instance without consideration for the number of members present.


1. A resolution concerning the dissolution of the Association is decided by the General Assembly in the first instance with an ordinary majority vote in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote.
2. A resolution concerning the distribution of the Association?s assets is decided by the General Assembly and is subject to confirmation by the registration authority.





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